Sunday, February 26, 2006


This is a fun little thing I got from Tlepolemus....

Four Jobs I Have Had
~ Babysitter
~ Helper/Kids drama coordinator for summer reading program
~ Drinks & Condiments girl at a fair food stand (I spilled ketchup all over the place... lol)
~ Team checker in-er at the state math meet (imagine math geeks hitting on you, checking off school names, and handing out packets... :P)

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over

~ Apocalypse Now
~ The Bourne Identity/Supremacy
~ Phanotm of the Opera
~ Top Gun

Four Books I Could (and Have) Read Over and Over

~ A Great and Terrible Beauty ~ Libba Bray
~ Gifts ~ Ursula K. LeGuin
~ A Northern Light ~ Jennifer Donelly
~ LotR
~ anything by Dan Brown

Four Places I Have Lived

~ Chester/Andover, VT
~ Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Germany
~ China, ME
~ Palermo

(Four TV Shows I Watch)
Since I don't watch TV, I'm changing this to 4 songs I listen to over and over again)

- "Can't Stop Lovin' You" ~ Van Halen
- "You Look Wonderful Tonight" ~ Eric Clapton
- "Dust In The Wind" ~ Kansas
- "Unforgiven" ~ Metallica
(There, I was good and only chose 4.... :P)

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation

- Maine (before we moved there, lol)
- Germany
- Austrian Alps
- Paris & St. Germain (visiting my aunt)

Four Websites I Visit Daily

- GMail
- Elendor
- Blogger

Four Favorite Foods

- anything Mexican
- Rindsrouladen
- Fenway Fudge ice cream
- Sauerbraten w/ knoedel or spaetzle

Four Places I'd Like To Be Right Now

- Hawaii
- Italy
- the Alps, with a free ski pass

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging Who Must Now Play This Game

~ How about anyone I know who reads this?


Blogger Camille said...

Lol. I'll post my results on instead of my blogspot since that wouldn't quite fit the theme it (my blogspot).


1:01 PM  

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