Sunday, July 10, 2005

Just to get started...

I just wanna share what the ehck this blog is for before I start! I'll try to keep this short....

I love writing, but I frequently suffer from writer's block, so that the only thing I'm capable of writing is rambly essays about random stuff that springs into my head.

That being said, I decided that it may not kill anyone to archive them all somewhere where I won't lose the papers, while also giving other people the option to read them.

Fell free to debate about it in the comments if I've said something that actually gets someone else thinking, too... I love debates, so I'll join in!

A few warnings: a) I make a lot of typos... it's not that I can't spell, I just can't type! b) Any opinions I express are my own unless I awknowledge someone for them or share their opinion... please don't flame me if you disagree!



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