Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, my friends, I am officially 17 years old. (It doesn't feel any different.) And I've decided I should keep this place a little more up-to-date and post less pointless junk. (Yeah, this is probably one of those resolutions, but wth.)

I am offically 17 years old. And I have no idea what happened. Seriously. Yesterday, I was a lowly little freshman who was naive, talked too loudly, and was as clueless as a fruitfly on crack. Now, I say stuff like this, am a chronic "realist," know more than I wish I did sometimes, and... well, I still don't know how to shut up. Some things never change.

Essentially, all that's really changed is the fact that I can now go see rated R movies unaccompanied. But beyond that, I honestly feel different. They say 16 is the big milestone, but somehow dix-sept feels bigger. Maybe because last year wasn't exactly my best ever. Maybe because there's so much junk going on what with planning for college, etc. Or maybe... maybe I just feel different because I want to feel different. Last year, I wasn't ready to hit that "big milestone." I've grown so much since then. I'm miles more mature, in better shape, and way more at peace with myself. This year, I really grew into my birthday. And while it's almost a scary thought... one more year and I'm officially of age, one more year and I'm a senior, almost in college... I honestly feel ready to tackle this thing.

Oh, and my pride and joy - sweet seventeen and NEVER been kissed! :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bedridden Blues

Ridiculous question? Has anyone ever been confined to bed for four days? I'm not talking about the summer days where you do that to youself. I mean, you're not ALLOWED TO MOVE? *sad face* For anyone who hasn't, I"ll tell you that it absolutely stinks. And... that's an understatement.

You never realize how much you need your feet till you can't use one of them. In fact, I've never realized exactly HOW MUCH of my life centered around sports - at the very least, I'd go out for a nice lazy five mile jog on a Saturday afternoon. No to mention I've missed my Sunday lifting workout, and will miss my Tuesday and Thursday workouts. Keeping in shape just gives you so much positive energy that you really miss otherwise.

I've been trying some of the techniques that I read about in sports psychology articles - mental practice by visualizing my throwing events, trying to stay postive by imagining what it'll feel like when my ankle's fully healed - I even got a hold of my brother's football and started throwing it againt the wall to at least practice javelin (my dad did't like that very much, though *sad face*) My conclusion is that those things are waaay easier said than done... and my mom will attest to my positive attitude (or lack thereof).

Unfortunately, I'm also on these prescription pain killers that don't exactly let me concentrate very well (I'm pushing it over when Im supposed to take the next one so I can coherently write this - shh, don't tell), so it's hard to get much of anything done. But I am gathering some good first-hand experience for my Humanities project!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

To want or to truly want, that is the question.

Random question? Think about this really hard for a second. Make it your question of the day… of the week, the month, the year. Hell, make it the question of your life if you want. Ready?

What do you want? No, really. Dig deep. Really, really think about it. When you go through every day, what is it you’re really working for? What makes you get up in the morning? What are you looking for? What do you seriously, honestly, sincerely want?

Ah, the clichés arise. Love. Happiness. Acceptance. Dig deeper. Find the source of the concept. Find the person, or the memory, or whatever it is that brings you to that conclusion.

Now, think of what you’re doing to find what you’re looking for. (And you can’t say that you’re not doing anything, ‘cause if that’s the case, you need to go back to the beginning of this message!) Think about what leads you to this course of action.

This… pursuit… is it really working? Are you getting anywhere? Or are you wasting your time? Instead of “working towards your goal” because you’re convinced it’s the right one for you, are you just making yourself more miserable?

Newsflash. Nine times out of ten, what you think you want and what you really want are two very different things.

And hey, sometimes, it might take a stupid chick flick to know the difference. :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Erasing The Past

I've always found it odd how you can pick up and old journal, read back over the entries, and be embarrassed - ashamed, even - about your own thought and feelings at the time. Ever torn out pages, erased, deleted, etc., because you were so concerned about someone possibly reading what your several-weeks/months/years-previous self wrote? Or maybe because you, yourself, were ashamed that you ever thought that way, and want to forget about it?

Personally, I'm guilty of this. But I stopped to think about it the other day, and realized... hey, you can't change who you were. In fact, who you were is part of who you are, of what you've done, and of how people see you. So why fight so hard to try and erase it? It's it better to deal with it - confront whatever it is that embarrasses you and re-establish how you feel about it now? Trying to change what you've done is impossible, but you can base your current decisions on it. For example, next time you're about to do something, think "What is my future self going to think when they read about this in my journal?"

It's an abstract concept, I know, but try it sometime.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


This is a fun little thing I got from Tlepolemus....

Four Jobs I Have Had
~ Babysitter
~ Helper/Kids drama coordinator for summer reading program
~ Drinks & Condiments girl at a fair food stand (I spilled ketchup all over the place... lol)
~ Team checker in-er at the state math meet (imagine math geeks hitting on you, checking off school names, and handing out packets... :P)

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over

~ Apocalypse Now
~ The Bourne Identity/Supremacy
~ Phanotm of the Opera
~ Top Gun

Four Books I Could (and Have) Read Over and Over

~ A Great and Terrible Beauty ~ Libba Bray
~ Gifts ~ Ursula K. LeGuin
~ A Northern Light ~ Jennifer Donelly
~ LotR
~ anything by Dan Brown

Four Places I Have Lived

~ Chester/Andover, VT
~ Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Germany
~ China, ME
~ Palermo

(Four TV Shows I Watch)
Since I don't watch TV, I'm changing this to 4 songs I listen to over and over again)

- "Can't Stop Lovin' You" ~ Van Halen
- "You Look Wonderful Tonight" ~ Eric Clapton
- "Dust In The Wind" ~ Kansas
- "Unforgiven" ~ Metallica
(There, I was good and only chose 4.... :P)

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation

- Maine (before we moved there, lol)
- Germany
- Austrian Alps
- Paris & St. Germain (visiting my aunt)

Four Websites I Visit Daily

- GMail
- Elendor
- Blogger

Four Favorite Foods

- anything Mexican
- Rindsrouladen
- Fenway Fudge ice cream
- Sauerbraten w/ knoedel or spaetzle

Four Places I'd Like To Be Right Now

- Hawaii
- Italy
- the Alps, with a free ski pass

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging Who Must Now Play This Game

~ How about anyone I know who reads this?

Monday, January 23, 2006

...Too Dramatic

Three, two, one, Action! The alarm clock trills loudly, tearing me out of a deep sleep with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. It’s not so much a wake up call as an impulse to assume my fake identity. I put on the costume of the girl I wrote so carefully into the pages of my endless screenplay. The role is blasé, really. A smart , kind, helpful person, laden with little eccentricities and traces of what she generally calls “OCD.” She’s a passable athlete, a straight-A student, and an out-of-the-ordinary, outspoken, perhaps even annoying person. She has her share of tough stuff, though perhaps she blows it a bit out of proportion. Still, though she makes a half-hearted attempt to hide it, she’s not all too secretive about her pain. After all, it gets her attention. And that’s what she really strives for: the spotlight.

Every day starts the same way – waking up to the scripted reality and the call of “lights, camera, action.” Characteristically lazy, she snoozes in a few times, rushes through getting ready, and runs out the door at the last minute, usually managing to steam off at least one parental unit. She gets on the bus, preparing herself for the “stage.” And once she arrives, it’s a non-stop, part scripted, part ad-lib reel from start to finish.

Unfortunately for her, she lacks the key element that can bring her into the spotlight; reality. She’s so conflicted about what’s real and what’s acting that people just look the other way when she enters for her little cameos. Sure, she gets noticed every now and then, when one aspect of her role clicks for long enough to be believable. But she isn’t star material.

All too often, she looks for what’s underneath; she looks for me. She stares into mirrors as if they will peel away the makeup and reveal me. She reaches inside herself, grasping, just barely brushing the tendrils of what I am. But it always eludes her. She even turns to other people, performing an elaborate melodrama of confusion and pain and desperation. Maybe if she talks long enough, I will begin to talk through her. Maybe if she tries to open herself up, the other person will reach in and expose me, expose the truth about what lurks inside her. But she loves the spotlight too much; she doesn’t want to relinquish her role. She is so used to seeing the stage setting there in front of her and having all the props readily provided, and she doesn’t think I will be strong enough to set my own stage and earn my own props.

Still I intrigue and compel her. After all, there must have been a time when she was me, when the heavy curtains were closed and the theatre empty. I’m her hidden demon. Sometimes she grows so desperate that she tears away at her very skin, trying to get underneath, trying to strip away the costume and reveal me. But then the pain brings back her sense of false reality. She acts brave and determined and tosses her head, wanting the world to see that she looked for me and I wasn’t there. Or maybe she waits for someone to come and reach beneath the scars. But when the spotlight turns away from her betrayal to drama, the cycle only re-starts itself.

The irony of it all is that the one story she does not know is her own. Her elaborate quests land her parts in a story she believes she can star in, while the hidden cameras of her real audience play away unnoticed.

I can’t promise that she will ever learn to give herself away. How can she, when all her life she has only taken without a cost? I am waiting patiently for the day when she stops striving for the limelight and comes to terms with her own little role; when she takes off the costume of the tragic heroine and becomes who she is supposed to be: me. Because I don’t care who reads my story. I don’t care who recognizes my face. I give with no thought of receiving, love with no thought of being loved, and help with no thought of reward. I’m the girl behind the cameras, the girl who watches her own life take shape on the stage at the mercy of a talented actress and is powerless to stop the disaster. My name doesn’t even appear on the credits. And yet I hold what she, for all of her flamboyance, cannot: reality.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Have you ever sort-of known someone, and thought you had them all figured out? Maybe they acted a certain way, and you were positive it was for a specific reason, and so you never took the time to actually learn the truth?

It's unsettling sometimes. You might think someone's being and idiot and snubbing you, and it turns out they're doiong it for your own good. It's amazing how much you can underestimate people.

Then, of course, you feel guilty. Perhaps you've been mean to them based on your assuption. Maybe you just feel guilty for the assumption. But you sit there and smack yourself and say "idiot!". This person, who you've more or less held in disdain, is suddenly miles above you on the maturity scale. It's quite a reality check, isn't it?

It's also an important lesson. I'm a pessimist. I admit it. If you assume the worst, life is full of pleasant surprises. I like to consider myself more of a realist, though. For example, the glass containing half of it's maximun holding potential can be a lot of different things. If it was once completely full, it's now half empty. THat's the regretful realist. If it was only filled halfway to begin with, it's half full. That's the objective realist. You can also twist it. It's ONLY half empty. That's still looking on the bright side, with consideration that circumstances were once a little better. It can be "Only half full," showing that you expected more. It depends on your background, your knowledge of the prior situation, and your objectivity. Getting back to the point, I was an ignorant pessimist about this situation. The glass was "only half full," if you wish. A realistic viewpoint would have been to say the glass contained half of what it could, and then to go about figuring out why. You see, in reality, this glass was half full.

Then it comes down to whether you fill or empty that glass.

I'll leave you on that note. ;)


P.S: For those who care, I still couldn't throw shot put today, but I did better than I hoped on the 55 m dash - 9.21, which isn't exactly good, but was nevertheless the 3rd best time for our school - and I know now that I have the potential to improve my 800 time if I pace myself right. So this glass is only half empty. :P