Friday, December 23, 2005

Courses of Life - Part II

Since I got off on a huge ramble last time, I wanna consider the other possibilities of life as well. I told you I believe that our life is affected by our choices.

Now consider the other extreme: perhaps our life is actually planned out for us? Perhaps, in that series of canals, there is only one set direction we will take... the one we are MEANT to take. So, theoretically, if we went back in time to try and change the future, it would simply be something that's planned out in advance, and we would ultimately just bring about what already happened.

Then, there's yet another possibility, one that's more likely, but no less encouraging: maybe, our life IS determined by choices, but we're simply MEANT to make certain choices. You can sit there and think for hours about what choice to make, but ultimately, the one you do make will be the one you were meant to make anyway.

OR, finally: perhaps all our choices are influenced by our circumstances. So our parents influenced us and they were influenced by their parents, and they by theirs, etc on back to the first ever choice. From a Christian worldview, Original Sin.

Now I'm gonna recap using that example. Suppose you had a method of time travel, and could go back to a certain time in history. In this case, back to before Original Sin happened. Suppose you wanted to stop Original SIn from happening. There are several possibilities:

With the theory discussed in my last post about choices determining future: Even had two choices. She could, a) trust God and not believe the Serpent, or b) listen to the Serpent and eat the apple. If you went back in time, you would be an influence on her that would sway her in one direction or the other. However, even if she chose the "right" way, there would still be generations after that would have to face the temptation.

With the one choice theory, stopping Eve from eating the apple would keep the world innocent and naive forever. With both theories, this would SIGNIFICANTLY alter the future, and if your future self even existed, it would be very different from what it was... Meaning if you "returned" to your future self, you would be a different person that whet everyone knew you as, and you would ruin your life.

With the one fate theory, the fact that you, Original Sin, and the future even exist would testify to the fact that Original Sin DID take place, and there's no way to change that. Therefore, you were somehow MEANT to chose to go back in time, and you're somehow going to make it happen, and nothing will change.

I know... this sounds like a bunch of insane rambling. Maybe I had too much wine. (jk!) But it IS random! And I just felt like talking about it for some reason. *shrugs* Who knows... maybe it'll come in useful someday.



Blogger Camille said...

Ummm... yeah! I am sort of comfuzed by it all too, but I think God knows exactly what will happen to us. We also have a will, and I am trying to figure out right now how those two things work together in harmony, so to speak.


4:08 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion! :) I think that God knows what path we'll chose, but He leaves it up to us to make the choice. I don't think we're all just puppets... He puts us in this world to mature spiritually by making our own decisions much as a loving parent might let a child learn lessons on their own. Does He guide circumstances and create opportunites for us? Of course! But I don't think He controls our entire life down to the smallest detail.

I respect your beliefs as well, though. As I hope I got across in my post, there are so many different possibilities as to how our life works - all you can do is acknowledge that God knows best.

10:06 PM  

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