Wednesday, July 13, 2005

On Fire in my daily life

This is a short rambling based around Switchfoot's "On Fire" (give it a listen if you like mellow songs). It's religiously oriented at the end, as it's based on my personal feelings, but the rest is jsut an interpretation of how a teenager may view an average schoolday.


They tell you where you need to go,
They tell you when you need leave.

Bells ring, keeping you on a tight schedule that regulates exactly where you are at what time. Everything is so out of control. You don't live your own life... it's run for you, and all you're expected to do is keep up the act.

They tell you what you need to know,
They tell you who you need to be.

Day after day, information is fed to you. Knowledge and theory written on whiteboards, crammed into the space we call short-term memory, written on a test, and forgotten. Facts. Numerals. Dates. Names. Ambitions. We're told about what we should do with our lives... what's expected of us. But decisions are limited... the rest is laid out, a huge load of expectaion. If I were to falter, even fall, what would they think? Where would I be?

But everything inside you
Knows there's more than what you've heard.
There's so much more than empty conversations
Filled with empty words.

Inside, it's a different story. Somehow, you keep your sanity, your personality, your individuality. THere is a flood of eotios jsut waiting to rise. And there is strength, unexpected though it may be... strength they haven't taken from you. We all find our strength somewhere. We find blotches of color in a grey existence.

Personally, I have found strength in the Lord. Through him, my spirit is set free, though it would otherwise be trapped in everyday life's awful monotnity. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Phillipians 4:13) And every day I strive to live in His perfect will.

You're on fire when He's near you.
You're on fire when He speaks.
You're on fire, burning, at these mysteries.


Now that I look at this, I seem to remember having a better draft in my folder, but I can't find it. Huh.



Blogger Camille said...

Hey Nen! I really like your blog! Hoping you post more soon.


4:37 PM  

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