Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, my friends, I am officially 17 years old. (It doesn't feel any different.) And I've decided I should keep this place a little more up-to-date and post less pointless junk. (Yeah, this is probably one of those resolutions, but wth.)

I am offically 17 years old. And I have no idea what happened. Seriously. Yesterday, I was a lowly little freshman who was naive, talked too loudly, and was as clueless as a fruitfly on crack. Now, I say stuff like this, am a chronic "realist," know more than I wish I did sometimes, and... well, I still don't know how to shut up. Some things never change.

Essentially, all that's really changed is the fact that I can now go see rated R movies unaccompanied. But beyond that, I honestly feel different. They say 16 is the big milestone, but somehow dix-sept feels bigger. Maybe because last year wasn't exactly my best ever. Maybe because there's so much junk going on what with planning for college, etc. Or maybe... maybe I just feel different because I want to feel different. Last year, I wasn't ready to hit that "big milestone." I've grown so much since then. I'm miles more mature, in better shape, and way more at peace with myself. This year, I really grew into my birthday. And while it's almost a scary thought... one more year and I'm officially of age, one more year and I'm a senior, almost in college... I honestly feel ready to tackle this thing.

Oh, and my pride and joy - sweet seventeen and NEVER been kissed! :)


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