Thursday, August 03, 2006

To want or to truly want, that is the question.

Random question? Think about this really hard for a second. Make it your question of the day… of the week, the month, the year. Hell, make it the question of your life if you want. Ready?

What do you want? No, really. Dig deep. Really, really think about it. When you go through every day, what is it you’re really working for? What makes you get up in the morning? What are you looking for? What do you seriously, honestly, sincerely want?

Ah, the clichés arise. Love. Happiness. Acceptance. Dig deeper. Find the source of the concept. Find the person, or the memory, or whatever it is that brings you to that conclusion.

Now, think of what you’re doing to find what you’re looking for. (And you can’t say that you’re not doing anything, ‘cause if that’s the case, you need to go back to the beginning of this message!) Think about what leads you to this course of action.

This… pursuit… is it really working? Are you getting anywhere? Or are you wasting your time? Instead of “working towards your goal” because you’re convinced it’s the right one for you, are you just making yourself more miserable?

Newsflash. Nine times out of ten, what you think you want and what you really want are two very different things.

And hey, sometimes, it might take a stupid chick flick to know the difference. :)